Friday, October 18, 2013

Clan C: Round 7

The patriarch of Clan C (Charles) died of an illness at the age of 71.
He is survived by his lifemate (Clara), 7 of his children, and 7 grandchildren.

Cedric was not head of household for very long.  He was taken by the same illness that took his father and three of his sisters.
He is survived by his twin sons, heir Camden & Cameron.

Cylee of Clan C defeated and killed Munroe of Clan M.

Pregnant teenager, Crissy, dies of a terrible illness.
She is survived by her mother and siblings.

Teenage Cylee dies of a terrible illness.
She is survived by her mother and siblings.

Clan C's youngest 2nd gen child, Cyrcee, delivers a daughter (Jeri of Clan J)

Annie and Crawley also welcome a daughter, Deja of Clan C

New mother, Annie, dies within hours of delivering her baby.
She is survived by her lifemate (Crawley), her newborn daughter, her mother, and her siblings.

Clan C is currently headed by child Camden (twin of Cameron) who is in the care of Grandma Clara.


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