Wednesday, August 20, 2014

The Apocalypse Spares: Pollux-Mace Household

Lana, Ara, and Ara's infant daughter Claire move into their own house.

Claire Mace is a toddler.  She is pretty.

Pirate Ara and little Claire

Claire and her father, Blair Mace.

Blair and Ara are married and always trying to make a new baby.

Claire Mace is a child.

Still no sibling.

Claire Mace is a fortune teenager, her Aunt Lana (pictured) is an elder.

Her face is looking a little longer than I'd like.

Still no sibling.

Nothing much happens here.  I'm mostly just trying to keep them the same ages as they would be in the main house.
Ara and Blair Mace are elders and nearing the tops of their careers.

Claire is all grown up and looking for love.

Her Aunt Lana is 73 and will probably die tomorrow.

Sunday, August 17, 2014

The Apocalypse: Camryn Cho (Johnston)

Nella Cho is the only great grandchild of Fion & Sophie Pollux (the founders of this family)

She is being raised by her father (Abhijeet) and her aunts (Lana & Ara)

Camryn mastered all of her toddler skills.

Abhijeet is struggling with his career.  He has only been promoted once since joining the family.

Camryn is a child.

She can now begin skilling.

Camryn Cho

Aunt Ara has been promoted to General (MILITARY UNLOCKED)

Family members can now move out.

This is not really an option until Camryn is a teen though, because Abhijeet still has irregular working hours.

Camryn may be able to attend college.  I will consult the rules.
Aunt Ara Pollux has her own little girl.

When Camryn is no longer in danger of the SOCIAL WORKER, her two aunts and her little cousin will move out.

Abhijeet Cho is promoted to Professional Party Guest (SLACKER UNLOCKED)

Not his LTW

With Abhijeet no longer needing to get to work on time (or at all) anymore, the extra family members can move out.

Their story will be continued in another post.

Ref: Pollux-Mace Household

Now just a bunch of father/daughter time.

Abhijeet and Camryn Cho

Although, I wanted (and was working on) another child,
Camryn is cute and sweet.

Camryn Cho is a pleasure teen with LTW of ?

She is also a lesbian.

Needing to unlock pet careers, Abhijeet adopts a stray (Kim)

Oh the joys of pet ownership!

Camryn has not been having a great childhood.

She has finally moved on from kicking the trashcan to destroying her mother's urn.

Abhijeet was offered a job by one of his many girlfriends.

He looks pretty spiffy.

Kim is a level 3 in the Service career and she uses the toilet.

Camryn is an adult and ready to make some babies.

Abhijeet is an elder.

Hes romanced 10 sim ladies already and working toward 20.
Camryn is having trouble adjusting to adult life.

The apocalypse is just not pleasureful enough for this pleasure sim!

Kim is promoted to the top of her career.


Better beds for everyone!

Camryn and her mother, Nella

Camryn is suppressing her homosexual feelings for the family.  She must produce a kid or two.

Sperm donor, Shea Johnston (blonde hair/brown eyes)

Baby bump and a ROCK GOD grandpa

Only Abhijeet can use the reward guitar and it goes back in his inventory right before he dies (music is not unlocked)

Shea proposes to Camryn and she accepts.

Maybe she didn't just use him for a baby.  Maybe this is love.

Maybe not!

Now he is furious with her and the baby will have the Cho surname for sure.

Its a BOY!

The first male birth this entire challenge.

I named him Fion Cho in honour of his great great grandfather, Fion Pollux.

Little Fion has blonde hair and brown eyes just like his daddy.

Speaking of daddy, Camryn & Shea are expecting another child even though he is still furious with her.

They won't even hug, but they will woo-hoo!


Toddlers and pets

Fion is the first baby this challenge to have a pet.

Fion loves Kim

Fion slept in Kim's bed a lot as a toddler (because the crib was occupied)

She just sleeps next to him waiting for her bed back.

The crib squatter is Fion's baby brother, Fyzer.

Fyzer Cho is uninteresting as of yet.

Still a baby, brown hair.

Saturday, August 16, 2014

The Apocalypse: Nella (Pollux) Cho

Nella ages into an adult on the same day her mother dies.

Younger sister Ara (in body suit) and older sister Lana (in green apron)

Nella marries her teenage boyfriend, Abijheet Cho, and they quickly become pregnant.

Abijheet is a level 6 (Projectionist) in SLACKER.

Nella will try to find a job in POLITICS or MILITARY
Abhijeet & Nella have a daughter (no surprise since every birth in this challenge has been female)

Camryn Cho has her mother's medium skin tone & brown hair and her father's grey eyes

Ara ages into an adult

She takes a job in MILITARY

Abhijeet & Nella are expecting a 2nd child, after that birth Nella will find a job.

Nella there are hot dogs behind you.  You set them down in order to grab your stomach!

Nella Pollux Cho, 29, survived by her husband (Abhijeet), their infant daughter (Camryn), and her two sisters (Lana & Ara)

Nella was unemployed.

Thursday, August 07, 2014

The Apocalypse: Hope Pollux

Hope Pollux is an adult.

She wants to enter the BUSINESS career track.

Hope never found her dream job or her dream guy but she is chugging along in MILITARY until she finds an opening at a hospital.

Sophie grows old alone and doesn't take it well.

She has started dating (ACR) elder Gerard Landry.

After quite awhile, Hope has her 1st romantic encounter and that has its consequences.

Meet Lana Pollux (daughter of elder Gerald Landry)

Lana has brown hair and brown eyes.  I was hoping for more variety, so Hope will probably have more kids (job permitting)

Hope is promoted to CHIEF OF STAFF (MEDICAL)

Because of Hope's achievements in her field, the family has a proper bathroom including a bathtub.

Hope is now looking for a job in the Business career track to get her LTW.
Gerard Landry autonomously visits with his daughter, Lana.

I hope she doesn't get his nose.

Lana Pollux has inherited her father's nose and eye color.

How boring.

We need another kid unfortunately Hope works every day and live-in babysitter Grandma Sophie will die soon.

Hope's outfit is not what I would have picked for the Apocalypse.

Lana Pollux, only child of Hope Pollux, granddaughter of Fion & Sophie.

Sophie Pollux, 71, is survived by her daughter (Hope) and her granddaughter (Lana).

Sophie graduated from college, maxed out her skills, earned $25,000 and reached the top of the Athletic career.

Sophie unlocked ATHLETIC

Hope had to quit her job to take care of Lana, so she decided to try to have a more attractive child.

She is only woo-hooing with old guys.

Lana's father is elder Gerard Landry.
Hope is pregnant by elder Neil Cameron.
The guy in the picture is Ethan Barrett (planned donor #3).

Lana gets to see her beloved grandmother again.

I am very pleased with the initial genetics of Nella Pollux.

She has medium skin tone, blue eyes, and brown hair.

Hope will try to get pregnant again when Nella is a toddler.

Lana will be a teen by then and can care for the little ones while Hope gets another job.
Lana is a teenager (romance with LTW of Professional Party Guest: SLACKER)

She's boring and awkward-looking.

I have high hopes for Nella.

Nella!  She's cute

And her nose is small!

Lana and Nella

Hope delivers a third daughter, Ara

Fast forward, Lana helps Ara age.

They look a lot alike.

Brown hair, fair skin, pointy sloping nose.

Lana has brown eyes, Ara has blue.

All the girls have different fathers.

Hope is an adult

Lana is a teen (learned all toddler skills, max body)

Nella is a child (learned walk & talk)

Ara is a toddler (learned walk & talk)

Nella and Ara.

I just love PEEK-A-BOO

Ha, ha.  I know where you are!

Thats so silly!

Nella is the heir.

Shes the prettiest and she aged into a dragon costume (you can't teach that kind of charisma).

Hope with her daughters:
Lana, Nella, and Ara

I got a GENIE LAMP but I'm not sure I'm allowed to use it.

Nella is a teen (ROMANCE with LTW of Professional Party Guest: SLACKER)

Ara Pollux meets her father, Ethan Barrett.

Nella in the background romancing a walk-by.
Hope reached the top of ADVENTURER

Not her LTW

Ara is a fortune sim.

Lana in the background and Nella on the side.

Nella has maxed body

Nella has her first kiss with Abijheet Cho (my choice for husband)

Abijheet is a level 6 in SLACKER


Now she will take a job in SLACKER (LTW)

Knowing her end is near, Hope proposes to Nella's father (Neil Cameron)

They aren't going to marry, but I thought this would be nice

Hope Pollux dies at 72.

She is survived by her three daughters (Lana, Nella, and Ara).

She unlocked MEDICAL, had maxed skills, earned $50,000 and learned all her toddler skills.